Fetes Galantes / Versailles

Day 88

May 28, 2018

Here it is! Bucket list day! This is the pinnacle of 100 days off. Fetes Galantes!!! Here is a ridiculous video we made there. We like to make travel videos that become like time capsules of our adventures.

The fact that I got to create a garden at the lake, see family and friends all day every day, travel like a mofo, and get to Fetes Galantes makes me feel so grateful. I have worked my ass off in advertising for two decades (plus) with two breaks off where I traveled (both in my twenties). So to take this time off is invaluable. We start the day with me playing the part of Romeo asking Stef, “Wherefore art thou?” Our hotel is certainly grand. One of the nicest I have ever stayed in.

Going for a stroll amongst the sheep and goats. The sheep make me think of the charming illustrations of “The Little Prince.” The hotel is next to a big field they are left to roam around and graze all day.

First up, decide to go see the Versailles gardens in the morning without the hoards of people. Oh Versailles with its majestic fountains and gardens. Eye candy.

It’s just so moderne!!! That Louis, he had vision!

It’s crazy to imagine the Revolution. So so easy to storm these doors. Not the best security design!

Behold the gorgeous grounds. It’s stunning. Love! What an influence on the world.

Stef enjoying the beauty all around.

All the statues! The amount of money that went (and upkeep) into this place is mind-blowing.

Then it was time to go back to the hotel and get ready for the big night!

Mon coeur!!!!! Je t’aime.

We are ready to go!

Dave Bova design, rachel kerby couture

First a champagne toast. We are here! Life is truly grande!

Stefan Spins

So so so good. That husband of mine delivers.

We are off! Walking to the venue. That wig will not fit in a cab!

Talk about feeling like you have arrived! HA!

We get inside the gates.

Outside we meet Randall! He is in the video we made above.

Everyone is announced upon entry…what fun! Introducing Le Duc de Hoopier.

And then into the palace…we have been here before so know the ropes!

Over-indulging in the photos. He is just such an easy subject. And the backdrop!!!!!

Lubdub, lubdub! If I were in Louis’ court, I would stop in my tracks if I saw him.

There are exhibitions like this going on. You really feel the time period!

You’d have to walk sideways to pass through crowded doorways. Oh the sideward glances you’d get, as the floor creaked and the hand fans cooled faces. Now what is she wearing?

Between champagne, we spent time wandering the hallways and galleries. And checking out the people. This couple’s outfits were exceptional!

Then we went on a special tour of the ladies’ quarters.

Secret backdoor passageways. In Versailles, everything is fancy.

Then back to the banquet table for bon-bons and champagne.

Then it was time for our dance lesson in the Hall of Mirrors! Magnifique! And the official dance to a live Baroque band.

After une nuit splendide, I went home with my king.



Day 87
Day 89


  • Reply Pearl Bowen July 10, 2018 at 3:45 am

    Your time in Versailles was such a monumental occurence. You and stefan were so grand at this event. Your clothes were remarkable. I just loved that you made your dream come to fruition. I love you two so much❤️

    • Reply -=ali* July 10, 2018 at 5:28 am

      What an amazing collection of photos video and words! Thank you for sharing and for enjoying!

  • Reply Claudine July 10, 2018 at 11:55 am

    Wow what Ali said… such a fun video and the photos are exquisite dahlings! All so very bon vivant!!! xoxo

  • Reply Debra Fried July 11, 2018 at 11:55 am

    I’m out of my mind over this! Love, love, love every second of the film and every shot you took and want to become you this instant!

  • Reply Fran July 13, 2018 at 12:29 pm

    Wonderful videos
    What a great time

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