Browsing Tag

Marie Antoinette

  • Fetes Galantes / Versailles

    Day 88

    Here it is! Bucket list day! This is the pinnacle of 100 days off. Fetes Galantes!!! Here is a ridiculous video we made there. We like to make travel videos that become like time…

    May 28, 2018
  • Rachel Kerby, Marie Antoinette, Fetes Galantes, KJ Bowen
    Channeling Marie Antoinette again

    Day 76

    We are getting closer to Fetes Galantes and I AM SO EXCITED! My dress arrived. Rachel Kerby did such an amazing job. The process corresponding with her was flawless. I never did a fitting…

    May 16, 2018
  • Channeling Marie Antoinette again

    Day 62

    Today I met with Dave Bova, wigmaker extraordinaire! He makes wigs for Broadway and the opera. Quite the talent. And a total sweetheart. I am lucky to know him. On Day 32 I wrote…

    May 2, 2018
  • Channeling Marie Antoinette

    Day 32

    We woke up to 6 inches of snow at the lake. Beautiful, but I am officially done. Today we are going to visit our nephews and spend the night. Stefan is teaching a class…

    April 2, 2018