the end is near

Day 96-99

June 9, 2018

One hundred days off was a random but great number to choose. After 15+ years of a strong, professional career, taking the time to grow the garden I have always dreamed of (would ya look at those foxgloves above!), paint, think, travel all over the place, meditate, spend precious time with beloveds —> it was exactly what I needed at this point in my life. Everyone would benefit from a sabbatical journey like this and I only hope they have the courage and opportunity to do it. Especially as New Yorkers, life is so fast, competitive and at times stressful. A pause is a kind getaway for your overtaxed mind to get creativity sparked. A time for introspection and growth. What do I want? Where do I go next? I do not have all the answers, but I do see some paths starting to emerge that I would not have seen without this respite.

Tonight’s pick from the garden. I learned all about arugula. Those white flowers are edible arugula flowers and eventually pods will form that contain seeds. That orange flower is a nasturtium. Do yourself a favor and plant them and put them in your salad as they bloom. Divinery.

Arugula, oregano and roses from the garden. Bouquets as unlikely as paths and meetings that can occur when you take the time to be still and thoughtful.

Day 95
Day 100

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