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  • garden!

    Day 89

    Our last day in Versailles. We pass through the Versailles palace grounds one last time. And then venture over to the official kitchen garden of Louis called Le Potager du Roi. It’s as wonderful…

    May 29, 2018
  • Fetes Galantes / Versailles

    Day 88

    Here it is! Bucket list day! This is the pinnacle of 100 days off. Fetes Galantes!!! Here is a ridiculous video we made there. We like to make travel videos that become like time…

    May 28, 2018
  • Off to Versailles

    Day 87

    Last day in Paris and then we are off to Versailles for Fetes Galantes! And the luggage arrived!!! We get up early and do all the touristy things while there is minimal people or traffic.…

    May 27, 2018
  • J'aime Paris

    Day 86

    Still no luggage. Third day. Red dress again. Not going to panic yet. We have a full, exciting day ahead, including time inside a Gustave Klimt painting! First, we start the day with another…

    May 26, 2018
  • la bonne paris

    Day 85

    We arrive in Paris. We are staying in Le Marais at a very well-designed but small hotel called the Snob Hotel. When in doubt, pinky out. I quite like its design aesthetic. And it…

    May 25, 2018
  • Paris and Versailles

    Day 84

    When we were at the start of 100 days, one of the things I definitely wanted to do in this life was visit Versailles and go to Fetes Galantes, the fancy costumed ball in…

    May 24, 2018
  • Marie, Antoinette, Fetes Gallantes, Stefan Spins
    Versailles calling

    Day 71

    Today we had an appointment at the Theatre Development Fund Studio. We are in need of a 1700’s men’s costume for Fetes Gallantes. As I said before, bigtime bucket list being fulfilled. Because Stefan…

    May 11, 2018
  • Working Coachella/Sunday

    Day 52

    Final day. The hottest one yet. In the 100’s. We are slow getting to the field. Everyone is. I feel bad for the bands in the early afternoon lineup. We choose the first shift…

    April 22, 2018
  • Working Coachella/Saturday

    Day 51

    Day 2 working the balloon chain! Look how enamored the crowd was with the balloons. LOVE! We take the same shifts as yesterday, making the first chains to fly. It is 100 degrees. It’s…

    April 21, 2018
  • Coachella, Balloon Chain, Stefan Spins, KJ Bowen
    Working Coachella/Friday

    Day 50

    We arrive on site. It’s 96 degrees and this is the “cool” day. First things first, set up basecamp. Then it’s prep the lights for the balloon chain at night. Pack the gear for…

    April 20, 2018