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I paint everything

  • Which way?

    Day 90

    New York City. It’s always lovely to come home. Cat. Friends. The familiar. The cozy. I unpack, regroup, zen out painting a couple of small signs for a friend’s apartment she will AirBnB. The…

    May 30, 2018
  • Beds and compost

    Day 68

    The lake is so tranquil and gorgeous at sunrise. I feel like a farmer’s wife these days. 10 hours a day outside tending the soil. Rise with the sun. Work the earth. It is…

    May 8, 2018
  • Prep and art

    Day 47-48

    Coachella time! Unpack. Wash. Prep. Paint. Repack. These two days were spent at lake and in the city, gathering camping supplies, laundry, prepping the garden at the lakehouse, catching up on this blog, painting…

    April 17, 2018
  • Hand-made

    Day 29

    Painting. I have a bunch of mini projects I am getting done. This one is for my sister. I worked on it last night. She asked me to paint this hand any way I…

    March 30, 2018
  • Flying

    Day 27

    Miles! As of today, we have booked a bunch of travel for April. Doing a lot of it because, well, I actually have the time to do it! It’s a packed schedule. We are…

    March 28, 2018
  • Rubbish

    Day 24

    Sunday’s project in the hopper and DONE. We have two garbage bins, so I designed some lettering and painted it on them. It’s also an opportunity to work with One-Shot paints, the stuff sign…

    March 25, 2018
  • coachella and a balloon plan

    Day 22

    We are going to Coachella! First time! Volunteering for an artist named Robert Bose who brings massive light up balloon chains to festivals. See them here. We get free tickets, VIP access, and crazy…

    March 23, 2018