Working Coachella/Sunday

Day 52

April 22, 2018

Final day. The hottest one yet. In the 100’s. We are slow getting to the field. Everyone is. I feel bad for the bands in the early afternoon lineup. We choose the first shift again. Finally a moment where Robert is not running around. He is second from left.

Girls gettin’ it DONE!

Today my partner is Aviva in the field. Yay!

Part of our lovely crew! Robert Bose is the 4th from the left.

Our shift is up so we return to basecamp to restock on water.

We invite Aviva with us on a wander.

Yay! And we are off!

Back to Spectra. We always wanted to go in, but the lines were too long.

Then we headed over to see Portugal, The Man. Great show! Super fun. They project fun messages on the screens to the fans. Stefan still holding our friend Anna Hecker’s book she just published.

We keep moving closer up. The sun is setting. It’s refreshing to have it cool down a little!

Dancing goofball in full effect. Portugal The Man rocked!

Fun times, again, with my beloved. This life is the best.

Sonia and I had the night shift together. Odesza played along with us. Wow, was that good. A song I love “Across The Room” with the incredible Leon Bridges below. Again, absolutely chill-worthy to hear in an open field.

As an art director, I marveled at the trend of shapes/symbols to represent artists (Thank you, Prince). Beyonce had a pyramid (was also her stage show shape). Odesza had a cut gem shape. There were a couple other I can not recall now.

Shift over!

After our set, eats and beer in the food court. Grateful there were vegan and vegetarian options!

After Eminem was done playing but it was back to basecamp to clean up.

Last night on the field with the crew! What a joy all of this was.

Back to our camp grounds for celebratory drinks! Stefan and I always call these drinks “The Victory Lap.”

So much silliness ensued. What a ridiculous way to end the night with dozens of clanging, recostumed, supercharged monkeys. Could not stop giggling. Grateful for the entire experience!


Day 51
Day 53


  • Reply Sprikles May 13, 2018 at 12:04 am

    Despite the heat…we rocked it.

  • Reply kelli bowen May 14, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    you guys seemed to have a fab time! but of course! you always do together! the victory lap. hehehe i can so see that. i bet that Spectra art peace was an INFERNO inside of it. better you didnt go! ILY!

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