Hula Girl, the movie

Day 54

April 25, 2018
Hula Girl, Tribeca Film Festival

We have come full circle. This is the story of a true pun. I met Chris Reiss and Amy Hill years ago when I started at the agency I just left. They are an extremely talented husband-wife director team. We shot many commercials together for years, are dear friends, attended our wedding. They are expert at storytelling and getting average people to speak their truths. Around the same time, I met my husband who was a professional hula hooper. We did not start dating for years. But the worlds collided 15 years later when Chris and Amy created “Hula Girl,” the true, untold story of Joan Anderson who has waited 50 years to prove that she was the originator of the hula hoop, not Spud Melin and Wham-O. For Stefan and Joan to meet, to see her vindicated, well that was incredible! That is them together at top. The film debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival. It is fantastic and I highly recommend it. Way to go Chris and Amy! Plus, get the word out and set the record straight.

A scene from the movie where Joan shows how it is done!

Joan with Amy.

Full circle. Life never ceases to amaze.

Day 53
Day 55


  • Reply Sprikles May 13, 2018 at 12:06 am

    The circle keeps SPINning.

  • Reply Claudine May 13, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    Great to see it all come “full circle”

  • Reply kelli bowen May 14, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    that is so cool. and i see you now fully embrace the jumpsuits! haha cute!

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