cinco de marcho

Day 4

March 5, 2018

It’s Monday and I am not at work. What?! It still has not hit me yet because it feels like some long weekend. It’s also Cinco de Marcho, our 7-year anniversary. We semi-celebrated the night before with our friends Ken and Emily who have the same anniversary (which is also the day the hula hoop was patented, how fitting as my husband was a hula hoop instructor!). I am grateful to have a supportive, inspiring husband who wants me to explore my new freedom. I celebrate that I am married to such a generous man. He also presents dinner and a toast in front of the fireplace! Happy anniversary! Song to fit the moment:

Day 3
Day 5


  • Reply carol March 18, 2018 at 7:10 pm


  • Reply Kathleen Letsgo March 22, 2018 at 10:01 pm

    I’m proud to say I was there on the day of your beloved union!

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