thundersnow and mega-legends

Day 7

March 8, 2018

It snowed 24 inches at the lake. Giant. That’s 1800’s style snow. Our house at the lake is one big amorphous mound. But lucky for me, I am in the city, where it is just slushing. And I am going to a lecture at the Type Director’s Club. Tony Di Spigna. Another giant. Master of gorgeous Spencerian script swirls. Scroll through the gallery above to see more. He was a partner in the legendary studio, Lubalin Associates, where he worked on all aspects of visual communications with another great, Herb Lubalin. It was AMAZING to see his hand-drawn work on tissue. And also comforting to know that he draws it dozens of times before it’s right. I was in awe the whole time.

Day 6
Days 8-10


  • Reply carol March 18, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    snow snow and more snow

  • Reply Michelle March 22, 2018 at 9:57 pm

    Like a snowy fairy tale dream!

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