Lucky me

Day 13

March 14, 2018

Lucky me on Day 13! To have all this free time. I have been adulting during most of it so far. Making a will. Revising it with our lawyer. Getting finances sorted. Considering moving. Getting to every neglected doctor appointment. Mammogram…check. But it ain’t all roses. The dreaded is tomorrow. My first ever colonoscopy! Oh man! I have to chug a whole bottle of MiraLAX today. Frightening. But this is all part of the promise to myself, to get ALL THE DREADED THINGS done. And then on to the fun stuff. <3

Day 12
Day 14


  • Reply carol March 18, 2018 at 7:17 pm

    good health is very important without that life can be difficult

  • Reply Kathleen Letsgo March 22, 2018 at 10:11 pm

    Good health is key!

  • Reply kelli bowen March 26, 2018 at 8:33 am

    good girl! 🙂

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