coachella and a balloon plan

Day 22

March 23, 2018

We are going to Coachella! First time! Volunteering for an artist named Robert Bose who brings massive light up balloon chains to festivals. See them here. We get free tickets, VIP access, and crazy fun times with balloons, inquisitive participants and harnesses! Just got our plane tickets with miles. April is filling up fast! I decided to repaint my boots today for it. As you can see they are pretty rough and tumble. It’s the 6th (?) time I have repainted them. This time bright gold. They have been to Burning Man multiple times, but now Coachella! Why not paint everything.

Day 21
Day 23


  • Reply kelli bowen March 26, 2018 at 8:46 am

    love the boots and cant wait to hear about Coachella! good work! will you stay in a tent there? x

    • Reply admin March 26, 2018 at 11:17 am

      Yes. Our crew has two rvs though for supplies. And there are showers in artists camp! Yay! Easy!

  • Reply Jena Chambers March 26, 2018 at 4:05 pm

    Your boots are fabulous! Hope to rendezvous with you in California!

    • Reply admin March 26, 2018 at 4:37 pm

      I hope so too!!!!! YES!!!

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