Downton and Marlon

Day 26

March 27, 2018

Downton Abbey. I visited the exhibition with my dear friend Tati. The gowns! The sets! Amazing to see all that detailed beading up close. And they brought a few of the sets too. Loved it. It’s there until April 2. Then at night it was off to the Music Hall of Williamsburg for brilliant artist Marlon Williams from New Zealand. I loved him the first time I heard him. He has an emotion-stirring voice of an angel from another world. A little like Roy Orbison. Stunning. He can stand there live with no one and sing with just a guitar and it stirs your soul. That’s how he opened in fact.

Day 25
Day 27


  • Reply Constance Stewart March 30, 2018 at 5:07 pm

    love, love, love downton abbey. i’m hoping the exhibition will come to san francisco .

    have not heard of marlon williams. does he tour the west coast? your description “like roy orbison” is spot on!

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