Prep and art

Day 47-48

April 17, 2018

Coachella time! Unpack. Wash. Prep. Paint. Repack. These two days were spent at lake and in the city, gathering camping supplies, laundry, prepping the garden at the lakehouse, catching up on this blog, painting outfits for Coachella for Stef and I. I needed something with lots of pockets for a walkie and carabiner-attachable gear. Something to go with my painted boots (see Day 22.) A painted onesie does the trick. And a harness. Balloon chain ain’t for sissies. I am extremely excited to work the Balloon Chain with Robert Bose. Almost can’t sleep!

Day 46
Day 49


  • Reply kelli bowen May 8, 2018 at 6:59 am

    wow i love how you painted these. they came out fantastic. and wowzers, look at stefi’s curls in that photo. outstanding quality! haha cool pics. x

    • Reply KJ May 10, 2018 at 12:55 pm

      Those curls! Love them. Thank you! I am going to make a few extra jumpsuits to sell here. Watch this space! I have to catch up. Wayyyyy behind on this blog.

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