Channeling Marie Antoinette again

Day 62

May 2, 2018

Today I met with Dave Bova, wigmaker extraordinaire! He makes wigs for Broadway and the opera. Quite the talent. And a total sweetheart. I am lucky to know him. On Day 32 I wrote about an event we are going to called Fetes Galantes. Dave is helping me out by making me a Marie Antoinette wig. I went to his studio and he put a “cage” on my head and just started adding all kinds of hair swatches to find the best color. We must have tried on about 50 shades! We liked dark brown or white best, white with streaks of pink in it to match my dress. It was a frivolously tough decision. In the end I chose white because of the fun color streaks. They did that back then too. But what a blast it was with him! He knew all kinds of trivia about the time period. Like French doors were invented to work with the wide girth of the dresses. And they had bug poker sticks to get insects out of the hair. I love stuff like this. I also got word about my dress below too. She is about to sew it all together. So excited. This is one of the most extravagant things I have ever done. So over the top! But this event is quite fancypants, in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. Hitting the bucket list hard!

Day 61
Day 63

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1 Comment

  • Reply kelli bowen May 15, 2018 at 8:44 am

    def go blonde (with colors through it) and the dress….will you wear it again? you betta!

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