Versailles calling

Day 71

May 11, 2018
Marie, Antoinette, Fetes Gallantes, Stefan Spins

Today we had an appointment at the Theatre Development Fund Studio. We are in need of a 1700’s men’s costume for Fetes Gallantes. As I said before, bigtime bucket list being fulfilled. Because Stefan directs a charity that donates to the arts, he has access to TDF and their costume rentals. Those racks!!!! It’s like the Indiana Jones warehouse full of costume bits, pretty well-organized, under Kaufman Studios in Astoria. Unlike anything I have ever seen!!! Astoria is like Culver City in L.A. I was surprised by it! The winning outfit? A pale green blue silk suit. Perfect. Matches me! (See Day 62.) Just add a jabot!

Stefan searches the racks. This green jacket was adorbs but not right.

After the hunt was over, we killed a vegetarian yummy lunch at Monika’s.

Vegan oyster mushroom calamari! Wow was that good. Must try making this one time!

Day 70
Day 72


  • Reply kelli bowen May 15, 2018 at 9:15 am

    that looks so damn yummy. near your house? or far away? and yes, i liked that green velvet with ribbons jacket. nice. but i know you needed more of the real deal. did he get pastel to match your pastel dress? x

    • Reply KJ May 15, 2018 at 3:08 pm

      No, it’s in Queens. I want to learn to make this. It was as good as calamari. Yes he got pastel to match mine. There were some other serious contenders! But too heavy or hot. Was so fun to rifle through there!

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