Black light ball

Day 72

May 12, 2018
Kostume Kult, Black Light Ball

Stefan and I met at a Burning Man party in NYC in 2003. We have been 13 times over the years. So costuming and embracing absurdity and laughter is just an every day thing. Tonight is a fundraiser for our Burning Man camp, Kostume Kult. It’s called Black Light Ball, and it’s been around for over a decade. Always a fun time with beloved friends. The cat is always wondering WTF I am doing with my hair.

Behind the scenes re-enactment of getting ready.

Ridiculous fact. I brought some cacti babies wrapped in bubble wrap to give to a friend here for her garden. And randomly the DJ brought tomato plants to give away. And I got one. THRILLED. The new club back room sin swap—> plants.

Day 71
Day 73


  • Reply kelli bowen May 15, 2018 at 9:16 am

    cute outfit. how many wigs do you have by now? i might have a couple for ya that i inherited. 😉 x

    • Reply KJ May 15, 2018 at 3:09 pm

      Yes, I do have a few now! Ha! Will gladly take yours!

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