Lake indulgences

Day 74

May 14, 2018

Back to the lake house. I know I will not have time off like this again, so I appreciate and indulge in gardening thoroughly. Always researching and planting perennials so it will autopilot in the future. Already from last year’s plantings, some are 1/3 bigger this year. It’s going to be huge one day! I understand Thoreau now and why he found such solace in nature. It is one of the most satisfying hobbies I have embarked on. Stefan bought a lawnmower. Our grass was about 15 inches tall. It’s been raining a lot. Planted 3 blueberry bushes. And laid down eco grass on the fairy path. And of course got a sunset happy hour boat ride in with the cat! We have a camera on the veggie garden beds to see if there are culprits amongst our goodies. We have seen all kinds of benign animal activity. Like this cutie:

We have so many weeds, many kinds of grasses…but trying to get it more unified for summer.

Path with eco-grass from Prairie Moon Nursery. (Thanks Nan! She gave me a gift certificate awhile back.)

Hopefully this takes.

My joy. That all did not exist last year. We worked with a landscaper, kept the 3 big trees and slouchy hedge. But it was literally a slope of brambles, weeds and poison ivy last year to the hedge on the top right.

Three blueberry bushes in!

Hollyhocks from last year coming in.

Blueberries and hollyhocks live near the veggie beds.

Stop! Woolly thyme! Bought a friend for our first.

Someone is pleased with his lawn work.


Day 73
Day 75

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