J'aime Paris

Day 86

May 26, 2018

Still no luggage. Third day. Red dress again. Not going to panic yet. We have a full, exciting day ahead, including time inside a Gustave Klimt painting! First, we start the day with another AirBnB experience. A vegan tour with Thomas, The Gourmet Sentier. We are told to come hungry. Last time I was in Paris, I found it incredibly meaty, so I am very pleased to see all the plant-based options that have popped up! We decide to walk the streets early, as it is so quaint when it’s just us in explore mode.

Like every large city, there is always colorful street art.

Worth it to get up earlier in the morning when the city is quiet.

A patisserie display made of legos. I have to say, with all the bakery smells wafting it was hard not to eat anything before our tour!

The way every fruit stand looks is precious. Everything is so beautiful. It all seems effortless.

We meet up with Thomas and the tour. First stop, Cloud Cakes for vegan croissants. I have to say, they were quite good! Not as dry tasting as the photo looks.

Cloud Cakes Paris

They had coffees and organic juices, but we thought why not try the hot matcha or hot beetroot drinks. They are so pretty!

Onwards, we pass a living wall along our tour. Amazing! L’Oasis d’Aboukir is 236 different plants by the inventor of living walls, Patrick Blanc. It has grown wildly when you see the original. But I LOVE it all the same! Plants rule.

Patrick Blanc

More street art. Space Invader.

We stop at a little vegan store that has a kitchen, and Thomas brings out some seaweed spread, yummy “camembert” and flatbread. How do they do that, rind and all?

More fun graffiti:

Last stop…vegan pizza at Hank. The onion one is to die for!

vegan paris


vegan paris

Saying bye to lovely Thomas. He is a sweetheart and an inspiration!

Next up, we have tickets to an immersive Gustav Klimt show at the Atelier des Lumieres. It is there until November so go if you are there! It’s like stepping into one of his paintings and gets really fun when the floors “appear” to be moving and swirling. They can’t make them do that too long or I swear people would be falling over, even though it is just projection trickery.

Projections that grow and spread. The kids (and adults) go nuts for this.

Feeling a garden vibe.

You can sit for hours. It is mesmerizing.

I have become one with art.

Here come the big spirals again!

So cool with that floor swirling around! Every now and then with some of the program the lights would come back on for a split second. And it is just bare cement and drywall. This show delights your imagination.

After that, we walked around more…past this cute store again.

Then passed by Hank’s vegan burgers. Why not?

It’s a pretty great attempt at a vegan burger and was delicious. But I have to say, I have been spoiled by the Beyond Burger.

Wine for the room. Just any normal supermarket has a glorious showing like this. BLISS.

Then it was time to head out to our final AirBnB experience. The Marquis’ Jazz Club, a private concert for 30 with Etienne in a wine cellar bar. Fantastique!

They did not disappoint! Loved every second. Plus the wine was superb. But honestly, in Paris when is it not?

Thank you so much Etienne. What a pleasure to meet you.

Day 85
Day 87

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