hello, spring

Day 30

March 31, 2018

Happy Passover! Spring is starting to have its way. YAY! 1000 bulbs I planted with friends last fall are starting to stir the soil and push out! It makes my heart fill with glee. Helleboruses, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, tulips all peaking up. Our indoor tulips, freesia, hyacinth are fully flowering. They are miracles of wonder. It is glorious to start to sense spring. I can not wait to see the grand science experiment that is our garden at the lake come to life. All the plants we put into the ground last fall as grandiose plans but no idea of the outcome, just starting to emerge. I spent a couple hours there just staring at barren hedges and plants, looking for clues, patterns, behaviors, beginnings. I can truly relate to Henry David Thoreau, like never before. There is such serenity in studying how the vines, plants, flowers thrive and behave. I am learning it all by observing, reading, googling. It is absolute bliss after working 16 years in advertising and getting out of the city maybe a total of a month or a little more a year, depending on shoots for work. To just be. To just listen. Birds. Wind. Lapping water. There are metaphors everywhere waiting to be discovered.

Tulips to bring to the family.

Tulips grown indoors.

Hellaborus by the lake.

Freesia grown indoors.

Daffodils along the fairy path.

Tulips along the fairy path.

Helleborus by the lake.

Daffodils and tulips in front yard.

Day 29
Day 31


  • Reply Constance Stewart April 6, 2018 at 3:48 am

    isn’t it wonderful you can take the time to notice….renewal…in more ways than one!

    • Reply KJ April 7, 2018 at 7:17 am

      Yes!!! I am reveling in it! Soooo good. As life should be. ❤️

  • Reply Laura J April 6, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    I just love your blog! Watch ‘Tulip Fever’ on Netflix when you can:)

    • Reply KJ April 11, 2018 at 10:20 am

      OOOH! Sounds good!

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