Easter fools

Day 31

April 1, 2018

Happy Easter! April Fools! No really, it’s Easter and it’s both. Hope you are having a lovely one! We are Happy Easter Fools. Today we stroll over the the farm to buy 3 apple trees. Two Honey Crisp and one Enterprise. Something I did not know—> You need to have at least two apple trees to have them bear fruit. And the first year you should pick the flowers off (no fruit) so they can establish solid roots. That will be very hard to do, I confess. But I will comply with the farmer’s wisdom. We also partook in some cider and a walk through the apple trees. And then went for a canoe ride. Wore some silly Easter bonnets and went over by the road to see how long it would take to get a wave/horn beep from a car (literally first try). Did a gnome photoshoot. Then made a grand feast for dinner. Always so much to be thankful for.

Stefan picks out a honey crisp. YUM!

Three apple trees…sold!

A celebratory toast at the farm.

A cider and a stroll through the apple trees.

Canoe ride!

Canoe ride! Yes we are the only ones on the water.

A gnome came along for the ride.


Day 30
Day 32

1 Comment

  • Reply renata April 6, 2018 at 4:11 pm

    oooh..where are you putting them?

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