Channeling Marie Antoinette

Day 32

April 2, 2018

We woke up to 6 inches of snow at the lake. Beautiful, but I am officially done. Today we are going to visit our nephews and spend the night. Stefan is teaching a class at his school. I am catching up on all things computer (to the joy of the cat) because I put it all aside the past couple days. Been corresponding with a dressmaker in Canada. Because of this new-found freedom and time, I am doing some extravagant bucket-listing. We decided to go to Fetes Galantes (learn about it here) in Versailles this May using miles. And I have asked an extremely talented seamstress to make me a gown. It is so Marie Antoinette of me, I realize. But this gown will get more use than any other fancy frock I own. It requires a lot of specific measurements. A three page chart to fill in. Measurement of the circumference of my elbow kind of thing. I have to say, it really puts you in the mindset of the 1700’s. A million fancy miles from now.

Day 31
Day 33

1 Comment

  • Reply Jena Chambers April 6, 2018 at 1:39 am

    I love all the nuances here! Pics and storytelling!

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