Doolin, Ireland

Day 37

April 7, 2018
Cliffs of Moher

Today we drive to the famous Cliffs of Moher and then Doolin, home of Irish musicians. It’s a 3-ish hour drive from Dublin. Of course the countryside is as stunningly gorgeous as you would expect. There are bits of castle ruins and abbeys along the way.

On the road to Doolin you see things like this.

We pass through here. I love me a hand-painted sign!

We arrive at the awe-inspiring Cliffs of Moher. Classic Ireland.

Don’t step back!

Amazing. So great to hike around here. I admit, my fear of heights kicked in when we got too close to that edge.

Friends along the way. These cuties dot the landscape everywhere.

Let’s zip over to that tower.

Climbing that tower.

Loving Ireland!

Then the fog started to roll in. Love seeing the changes.

Happy times exploring.

We make our way to quaint Doolin up the road.

Which bar to choose for dinner and music? Let’s try them all!

On the walk to dinner we pass this cutie. I call her, “Hey Mabel.”

I guess I said the right thing because she came right over for snuggles.

A stop at an old cemetery along the way.

Everywhere a photo.

Our first stop, Fitzpatricks. Now that is as typical and Irish as it gets. Funny, I thought it was too obvious and set my expectations low. But our Airbnb hostess recommended it.

Inside, praying for our beers to arrive. Us New Yorkers needed to take the speed level down a notch or eight.

Then this group shows up. Wow are they fantastic. They are just jamming and have never played as this group. Other people keep joining. There were nine of them at one point. I love that! Endlessly wonderful way to have dinner!

Yes! Cheers, finally!

Then this delightful surprise. The food here was outstanding. That veggie burger, with a tinge of Indian spices, delicious. We also had oysters. Yum! Completely blown away by all of this. We had a very surly waiter who would not hear how much we loved the food. I kept trying because he was so darn snarky. He had an odd beef with the chef, finally spitting, “He doesn’t deserve it because he is not a good chef.” HAHAHA! We still gave him a tip.

Then another bar, band and beer and it’s time to hit the hay and call it a wonderful day. We got a cave to explore in the morning!




Day 36
Day 38


  • Reply Sprinkles April 12, 2018 at 2:12 am

    Another magic day trapsing around the globe with you. You are the best travel partner ever.

  • Reply kelli bowen April 12, 2018 at 1:16 pm

    beautiful nature!!!

  • Reply kelli bowen April 12, 2018 at 1:16 pm

    oh noooo, more photos! i hit the end!!! X

    • Reply KJ April 13, 2018 at 3:10 pm

      Just added. I have been a little behind!

  • Reply kelli bowen April 13, 2018 at 7:43 am

    so cool you got to have a band play during your time in that place! talk about good timing! x

    • Reply KJ April 13, 2018 at 12:02 pm

      There are bands in every bar every night! Doolin is known for it!

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