• The end/the beginning

    Day 100

    Today is here. A random number, Day 100, chosen as a marker. I have decided to take a little more time off before I go back. I don’t think there will be another moment…

    June 10, 2018
  • the end is near

    Day 96-99

    One hundred days off was a random but great number to choose. After 15+ years of a strong, professional career, taking the time to grow the garden I have always dreamed of (would ya look…

    June 9, 2018
  • I paint everything

    Day 95

    I woke up inspired to bring a new vibrancy to old wood table outside. I have loved my job solving branding problems, working on a project in a space with with money or client…

    June 5, 2018
  • Painting a Wedding Sign

    Day 94

    My beloved cousin is getting married in a couple weeks. I have been working on her wedding sign. It is one of my favorite things to do…art in the service of love. I ask…

    June 4, 2018
  • Fixing "kaput"

    Day 93

    Time at the lake. Reflection and redo. My website went completely down. YAY to understanding and mastering WordPress. Now it’s back up. That felt like some cosmic sign to try something new. I am…

    June 3, 2018
  • Groundhog spambots?

    Day 92

    Hacked! My work website was hacked. Completely gone. Spambot takeover. Grrrr! And we go to the lake to find my, broccoli (above), hollyhocks, cucumbers, radish tops (not radishes), carrot tops (not carrots), echinacea…hacked. All…

    June 2, 2018
  • Working Governor's Ball

    Day 91

    It’s Governor’s Ball! We were asked by Robert Bose, Balloon Chain artist, if we wanted to work the chain again (like Coachella, see Days 50-52). Hells yeah. Jack White is headlining. One of my…

    June 1, 2018
  • Which way?

    Day 90

    New York City. It’s always lovely to come home. Cat. Friends. The familiar. The cozy. I unpack, regroup, zen out painting a couple of small signs for a friend’s apartment she will AirBnB. The…

    May 30, 2018
  • garden!

    Day 89

    Our last day in Versailles. We pass through the Versailles palace grounds one last time. And then venture over to the official kitchen garden of Louis called Le Potager du Roi. It’s as wonderful…

    May 29, 2018
  • Fetes Galantes / Versailles

    Day 88

    Here it is! Bucket list day! This is the pinnacle of 100 days off. Fetes Galantes!!! Here is a ridiculous video we made there. We like to make travel videos that become like time…

    May 28, 2018