Windmills and Weed Burgers

Day 44

April 14, 2018
KJ Bowen

Classic Dutch tour day one. I am lucky I have Henk who is Dutch and my sister who has lived in Europe most of her adult life. First stop, Den Ilp to Petra Heyboer’s studio. She lived there in a commune (6 wives) with artist Anton Heyboer. Every square inch is covered with paint. It’s a wonderfully crazy chaotic-looking space. Petra, his 5th wife, a highly decorated character, was there with her dog too.

Arriving at the gallery.

It reminded me of a place you might see in the 80’s in the Venice (L.A.) canals when Venice was more sketchy.

The note said to call to go inside. Petra showed up and we went in.

Their phones.

An outfit of Petra’s. There was a picture of her in it.


Anton’s art which Petra is in charge of selling.

Petra and Anton when he was still alive.

Petra now.

Then we were off to Zaandam, a historic milling center with lots of old picturesque windmills.

There used to be 900 windmills here, making paint to cutting wood. They are still operational.

Super quaint everywhere. We called this well-oiled machine of a place “Dutchneyland.” It felt like we were going to hear “It’s a Small World” at any moment.

Cute shops selling cheeses, cookies, Dutch chocolates. We each scarfed down a Verkade bar, unlike us to do, but hey, when in Zaandam…


Classic tins.

They made wooden shoes in here. Plus had a bunch of extremely ornate, carved or painted ones on display.

Especially loved these.

Then it was time for a beer at a hip bar with a skatepark inside. I like this kind of silliness.

And then add a couple vegan hot dogs and a hamburger from The Dutch Weed Burger. YUMMMMM.

Then hone with drinks and late night games. I love these two. Felt so at home in their company.

Day 43
Day 45

1 Comment

  • Reply kelli bowen April 26, 2018 at 9:59 am

    awwww i miss this day. and you. and those chocolate bars. i am day 9 of soup diet so that sounds delish. those hot dogs look divine. i looove your photo of petra. so good you asked her. she is def pulling a vali myers. i love you sista. x

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