yoga and Van Gogh

Day 42

April 12, 2018

Today I went to a much-needed yoga class before heading to the Van Gogh museum and dinner with my sister. Mercedes at The Breathing Space is an excellent teacher. She teaches an Ashtanga-style class and I was dying since I have not been to the gym for over a week! Then it was off on my rusty steed to the Museumplein.

Lovely Mercedes.

Time to reconnect with Van Gogh. Last time I came here was 1997. It’s profound what you gravitate to over time. Like I forgot how moved he was by nature, almost transcendentalist. For him nature was sacred, a place to find solace or regain strength. I really understand that feeling now and liked seeing the paintings of farmers and nature in that context. I always have loved his use of color. Here, his palette.

One of many self-portraits.

When I think of him, this one comes to mind.

One of my favorites. I forgot about this one.

Classic. He basically used three tints of yellow to create this one.

I love the color and energy in this!

Vincent and perhaps a portrait of Theo too. They do not know for sure. I loved seeing their relationship and letters. They were very close! Like me and my beloved sister.

He had huge influence from Japan and collected hundreds of prints. Another fact I forgot.


Then it was time to meet up with my sister. These days are precious and I cherish them. Check out those crookedy buildings.

Time for some nouveau ramen at Men Impossible. This guy makes it all in a small space. Vegan. Tasty. He is a one man show. Deeee-lish.

The evidence. You pick your sauce and starters. It’s as hearty and creamy as mac and cheese but totally vegan. Heaven.

Day 41
Day 43


  • Reply kelli bowen April 16, 2018 at 8:22 am

    wow you made that ramen look dang good. great pic!!!

    • Reply KJ April 24, 2018 at 9:20 pm

      It WAS dang good. If ever any of you are ever in Amsterdam, it’s a casual, fun, delicious experience. <3

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