Palmistry in Holland

Day 43

April 13, 2018

Today I went to see Isabel Capelli, hand analyst extraordinaire in Amsterdam. She is originally from Argentina but has been doing this for decades in Holland. A no-nonsense woman who does not ask questions. She just pours you a tea and reads the lines present and translates them. Every person has potential or tools on the table and it is up to you to take them on. I was surprised how absolutely spot on some things were. Are the lines writing my story or is my story creating the lines? She said at around the age I am, there would be very significant changes. Like losing a job, moving, selling/buying a house…all at once. All these things have happened this past year. And she said there is more to come. Funny, as Stefan and I contemplate moving again this summer. She also said I have served others too long and it’s time to serve myself. That I have been highly responsible and should go be a bit more creative. I had told her NOTHING. She said I have multiple creativity lines and lots of choices. Also that I am too much in my head, not to worry as much, practice something like meditating right now. HA! Also true. She had such specific details. I found it all enlightening and charmed. But I find this life charmed! After, a bike ride through the park past the blooming sakura and home to my sister, wine and a delicious dinner (with my fave Greek lemon potatoes.) We stood for over 4 hours in the kitchen chit-chatting. The best. What this time off is all about.

Lovely Isabel makes you feel right at home in her home.

Isabel’s jungle.

She takes a print of your hands.

I wrote out the meanings after so I could refer back in the future.

And she wraps it up for you to keep and check lines later. She also gives you a recording of your session.

Sakura in the park!

These lemony potatoes are the bomb!

Lots of wine with this one! <3

Day 42
Day 44

1 Comment

  • Reply Sprinkles April 25, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    Reading about the 4 hour conversation makes my heart sing.

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