Garden garden garden!

Day 69

May 9, 2018

After all that prep work this week, this morning we went to Pennings Farm (which I love) for some organic, non-GMO plants. I can not say enough great things about them! 6 miles from our house, they are EVERYTHING a farm should be. That’s where we bought our apple trees. So today, I placed in the raised beds starters of the following: 6 kinds of peppers, broccoli, 4 kinds of tomatoes, onions, lots of arugula, too many cucumbers (pickles anyone?), carrots, basil, thai basil, cilantro, rosemary, oregano, lavender. That’s all…for now! There is plenty of room for more. I swear I will fill every space around here with a perennial or vegetable. Obsessed. And after 10 hours of this,  a sunset boat ride with my beloved. The geese are all paired off honking and goslings are starting to appear. It’s so sweet! There is nothing more moving than to feel like a true earthling, part of the rhythm of this earth.

Arugula for 24 salads, I hope! Tomato and arugula are our most eaten vegetables.

Beloved raised garden beds.

Cayenne, Jalapeno, Red, Yellow, Orange peppers. A pepper forest!

Young onions. I do not think they will make it. But hey, we try round here.

Cucumber sprouts galore.

Four kinds of tomatoes!

Carrots! Will also do a couple rows by seed.

The spice bed on the balcony. Rosemary, cilantro basil, thai basil…for now.

I call this tomato plant, “The Cheater,” Only because I bought it full grown-ish. Just to have something blossom early. Funny thing is, this breed of tomato is called “Early Girl.”

My captain takes me to sunset happy hour.

I had tears in my eyes at sunset, thankful for the overwhelming beauty of everything that surrounds me. <3

Day 68
Day 70

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  • Reply Sprinkles May 14, 2018 at 12:25 am

    To ground into the earth. It is a wonderful feeling thank you for Kj for all the plantings.

  • Reply kelli bowen May 15, 2018 at 9:11 am

    sista, in the summer do your gardening barefoot. jasha told me the importance of that. its so good for us apparently! and wow, your gardening is INTENSE! i thought i was obsessed. you are me on steroids!!! i cant imagine if i had all that space would i have at it like you? its outta control! hahaha and these are just the beginning days. wait til end June and July…those are the glory days. the full bloom days. blissful. you are doing so well. did you plant or see stockroses from holland yet?

    • Reply KJ May 15, 2018 at 3:03 pm

      Interesting about gardening barefoot!!! i am running all over the place all the time…not sure if I really could. But I love this idea! Are stockroses primroses? Yes, I have seen them around! Nice! They sell fast! You have to buy in the moment, because things disappear quickly!

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