Garden garden garden!

Day 77

May 17, 2018

It has been an absolute labor of great love to create this garden. All new to me, trial and error, but it’s like being an artist with the greatest palette on earth. Today at the lake, it was all about putting flats of flowers into the ground or pots. I can’t help myself when I see a flat of zinnias. I know they are just annuals, but the pink and white ones seduce me.

And now, behold the two-headed daffodil. I keep making bouquets for the house. Some of these are like Siamese Twins. Love this.

It’s the last of these unique daffodil beauties. Planted the bulbs last fall. Sucker for the exotic.

And the last days of this gorgeous pink star tulip. Mouth-watering. Until next year, my lovely.

I kept this quinault strawberry alive all winter in the basement. It’s going strong. Hello little future berry.

I put these purple and chartreuse petunias in an old urn with vinca. Heaven. Love this combo. Saw the flats of petunias and started thinking of plants to pair them with. So fun. I will photograph this again once it gets going.

Put this Leucanthemum “freak” into the ground. And two others that are much younger. Excited for this frilly frock of a flower!

Then happy hour on the lake. How can you not? We were the only ones there, except for the geese.

At times like this, you blast M83’s “Outro” on the boat speakers and feel like royalty.

Day 76
Day 78

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1 Comment

  • Reply Sprinkles May 23, 2018 at 2:06 pm

    Another amazing day at the lake…ahhhh store this one in your memory banks.

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