Seedy Godmother

Day 78

May 18, 2018

I have been given or collecting seeds the past year. Now that the frost for this area is officially over per the Almanac, today was the day to unleash them. Some lupine here. Some edible flowers there. Wildflower seed bombs there and there. Other wildflowers in every corner. Cosmos. Black-eyed Susans. Dahlias. Johnny jump ups. Snapgragons. More hollyhocks from my sister’s garden. Might as well shove a summer squash in. And more carrots, radishes, and a couple cabbages. I felt like a Seedy Godmother with a life force wand. I have no experience with doing this whatsoever. It’s all intuition and love. I can not wait to see what happens. Grow, my yearning sprinkles!

Day 77
Day 79


  • Reply kelli bowen June 12, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    you will get better year after year. cute box you painted there! 🙂

  • Reply Pearl Bowen June 19, 2018 at 5:06 pm

    This is your true calling kj. Nana Schweikart would be so proud of you. I love seeing your results. So uplifting. X

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