Being my own cheerleader

Day 81

May 21, 2018

Today I wrestled with what I call “anxiety creep.” It is middle of the night insomnia that creeps up when you least expect it. I have to be my own cheerleader and work through the thoughts that are building. What do I want to do next? Another full-time advertising job? Freelance? An in-house kind of job? To finally explore and be the artist I have always wanted to be? I have thoroughly enjoyed following my whims, travels and gardening fantasies. I needed this time off after working 15 years at one place! But reality is out there lurking. Stefan and I have been weighing all kinds of options. Considering leaving our apartment for a smaller, less expensive one to take off some pressure. These questions are starting to weigh in the midst of this fantastic year of change. And in the middle of the night.

Day 80
Day 82

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