Amsterdam with my sista!

Day 40

April 10, 2018

I made it to Amsterdam! Here at my beloved sister Kelli and brother-in-law-ish Henk’s treehouse home for a week. The best. It is such a luxury to come here and languidly spend time with them! Feeling, for the 100th-plus time, very fortunate. They have a unique, highly creative style. Their apartment is quirky and alive with stories, artifacts and plants. I love it here and it’s a home away from home. May the wine flow and the tulips grow, because we are going to see the Keukenhof!

She updates the chalkboard for whomever arrives. You always feel welcome.

Their apartment is so cute! Look on the mirror…my hand (I painted on Day 29) made it here!

Love and beauty in everything they touch.

Even their kitchen cupboards are adorable. She is also an excellent vegan cook.

Their front door is an ongoing project. I absolutely love their unconventional and unique ways of decorating and partaking in life.

Gorgeous details!!! LOVE! They find these pieces one at a time in their travels.

Day 39
Day 41


  • Reply kelli bowen April 16, 2018 at 8:17 am

    wow, we are in the blog! 🙂 thank you for all the compliments! very overly generous of you. funny to see your own home in commentary that is not your own. hehehe x

    • Reply Sprinkles April 25, 2018 at 8:35 pm

      wow it’s been a good 5 or 6 years since I’ve been to your place my, how it has morphed and grown.

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