• Garden garden garden!

    Day 77

    It has been an absolute labor of great love to create this garden. All new to me, trial and error, but it’s like being an artist with the greatest palette on earth. Today at…

    May 17, 2018
  • Rachel Kerby, Marie Antoinette, Fetes Galantes, KJ Bowen
    Channeling Marie Antoinette again

    Day 76

    We are getting closer to Fetes Galantes and I AM SO EXCITED! My dress arrived. Rachel Kerby did such an amazing job. The process corresponding with her was flawless. I never did a fitting…

    May 16, 2018
  • Baby time

    Day 75

    Back in the city since Stefan had to work. Today we visited our friends who just had a baby (We had their blessingway gathering at the lake. See Day 8). They asked for friends…

    May 15, 2018
  • Lake indulgences

    Day 74

    Back to the lake house. I know I will not have time off like this again, so I appreciate and indulge in gardening thoroughly. Always researching and planting perennials so it will autopilot in…

    May 14, 2018
  • the moms

    Day 73

    That’s my mom. I am so grateful for life. And for her loving presence. Her creativity and open heart. She is willing to listen at all hours. She is the best a mom can…

    May 13, 2018
  • Kostume Kult, Black Light Ball
    Black light ball

    Day 72

    Stefan and I met at a Burning Man party in NYC in 2003. We have been 13 times over the years. So costuming and embracing absurdity and laughter is just an every day thing.…

    May 12, 2018
  • Marie, Antoinette, Fetes Gallantes, Stefan Spins
    Versailles calling

    Day 71

    Today we had an appointment at the Theatre Development Fund Studio. We are in need of a 1700’s men’s costume for Fetes Gallantes. As I said before, bigtime bucket list being fulfilled. Because Stefan…

    May 11, 2018
  • We won a trip to Cameroon!

    Day 70

    Every year, I donate to Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center because I deeply believe in what they do. Dr. Sheri Speede has done a fantastic job of helping orphaned chimpanzees from the illegal ape meat trade,…

    May 10, 2018
  • Garden garden garden!

    Day 69

    After all that prep work this week, this morning we went to Pennings Farm (which I love) for some organic, non-GMO plants. I can not say enough great things about them! 6 miles from…

    May 9, 2018
  • Beds and compost

    Day 68

    The lake is so tranquil and gorgeous at sunrise. I feel like a farmer’s wife these days. 10 hours a day outside tending the soil. Rise with the sun. Work the earth. It is…

    May 8, 2018